Monday, 7 October 2013

Abigail Solomon-godeaus "inside/out" debate

The inside out debate is something that applies to all photography. Its was based on Susan Sontags " On photography" The idea of photographers being like " super tourists" in the way that photographers Visit a situation and avoid interference. Abigail Soloman writes how the photographer is either inside or outside the situation showing through the distance between the subjects and the viewer.
For example Daniel meadows June street series would be outside. Although growing up and living in a similar community Daniel meadows went inside other peoples houses to photograph there families and homes. Making him approach it from an outside point of view. But Nan Goldings photography is inside because she photographs subjects within her life mainly friends.

Daniel Meadows - Outside

Nan Golding - Inside
How this relates to my work ?
I'm approaching my work from an outside point of view. I am not in the extremes of this 21st century beauty culture neither have i ever taken a "selfie". I think when you in the debate then it becomes un noticed or everyday. I think somebody of my age who isn't involved in either of the things i am exploring will put a different spin on my work. being able to voice my opinions or poke fun at the culture but i need to be careful not to adeer to stereotypes or be offencive. 

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